Awaken Wonder

Wonder is contagious. When we’re in awe of something, we have a natural tendency to tell others about it so they can marvel at it as well. Whether it’s a book, a movie, or a restaurant, humans are inherently gifted evangelists, spreading the good news of whatever we hold to be wonderful at the moment. As a parent, I have the privilege of helping my children curate wonder. They are born…

The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans

The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans is a powerhouse of biblical wisdom for everyday living. Get ready to be blessed and equipped! Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas and founder and president of "The Urban Alternative." He is also former chaplain of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The…

Spend Time Focusing on Jesus

Word spread throughout Jerusalem that Jesus was coming. The crowds had heard about His wonderful teachings and the miracles He performed. And they welcomed Him with a triumphal shout, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord, even the King of Israel.” But, soon afterward, when Jesus met with His disciples, He did not sound like a conqueror. Instead of talking about power and…

Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ is the powerful true story of Voice of the Martyrs founder Richard Wurmbrand. As Communists invaded Romania in the 1940s, Christians had to choose to promote Communism or go to prison. Lutheran pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina chose to stand for Jesus. Despite the danger, Sabina boldly begged her husband to “wash away this shame from the face of Christ! They are…

Jesus’ Crucifixion: Who’s Got the Body?

Who cares? What difference does it make if Jesus rose from the dead? It makes all the difference in the world. If Christ did not rise, then thousands of Christians have lived and died for a hoax. If, however, He did rise, then He is still alive and can act now to straighten out our chaotic world. Facts always speak louder than opinions. Let’s take a look at some of the historical evidence for…

Tortured for Christ: Unbreakable Faith

How strong is your faith? Would you hold firm to your faith while standing face-to-face with your torturer who wants you to deny your love for Jesus Christ? Would you refuse to concede, instead enduring years of excruciating pain and suffering? Even for one fleeting second, would you consider telling your captor what he wants to hear just to escape? Or would you stand by your conviction that…

The Reason for the Resurrection

Messianic myths are found in nearly every culture on earth. In many traditions of classical antiquity, a savior comes to earth and good triumphs over evil during a last judgement, followed by the salvation of the world. Since the release of the Superman movie in the 1970s, an endless stream of superhero films have built upon the messiah myth and brought it firmly into the mainstream of society.…

What Is the Meaning of Easter?

What is the meaning of Easter? Does it exist so we can delight in daffodils, bunnies, and newborn chicks? Do we celebrate so we can welcome the beauty of spring with decorated eggs and chocolate bunnies? No, Easter commemorates the unfathomable kindness of God. A love so deep it can break the heart of the most hardened sinner. A victory so decisive it shook hell to its foundation. A hope so…

What Is the Resurrection?

When the darkness of death drapes over your life it is devastating. Loss, sharpened by violence, cuts to the soul. We not only lose the presence of someone we love, but also, the hope for a future we believed we had. It was no different for those who loved and followed Jesus, their promised Messiah, as they sat at the foot of the cross and watched Him die. Death by crucifixion was considered…

Be Fruitful

“Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.”—John 15:6 NLT How can we lead a fruitful life? Addressing His disciples the night He was betrayed, Jesus made it clear that the key was to be connected to Him. Just as a branch depends on the tree for nourishment, so we must depend on Jesus. He enables us to…