Editor's Corner

In this issue of our INSPIRATION MAGAZINE, you can be confident that the Lord is FOR you today! Whatever you may be going through this Christmas, I want you to know that He is the hope in your situation, the light in your darkness! Go ahead and tell your Heavenly Father what you need from Him this month. His favor can transform your health, finances, emotions, relationships, or any other area of your life. I am praying for you to receive God’s incredible JOY and PEACE this Christmas season and throughout the coming year!

Salvation Update


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How To Find God
December PreviewInspiration Magazine

The Hope of the World

As we head into the holiday season, it’s hard not to feel the weight of the world’s troubles pressing down on us, echoing those distant days when Jesus made His humble entrance into this world. Back at that time, God’s people had their own set of woes to contend with: living under the iron fist of Rome, taxed to the hilt, and suffering under the…


Praying God’s Word

In facing the challenges of everyday living, the Bible is your lifeline and a vital tool for energizing your prayer life.


Heaven’s Christmas Day Invasion

My friend, this Christmas I pray you’ll let the power of Heaven invade your health, finances, emotions, and family.

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Each issue of the magazine features practical, Spirit-led teachings from David Cerullo; encouraging articles from world-renowned guest writers; testimonies from people experiencing real-life miracles; and so much more!

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