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Roone Acree

Roone Acree is Print Communications Manager & Senior Writer for Inspiration Ministries.

A Little Christmas Glow
A Little Christmas Glow

It’s the beginning of the Christmas season, and I’ve already dug out my outside lights and…

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Jell-O Surprise

It wasn’t really Thanksgiving until we saw the neon glow of the green Jell-O. The table would…

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Editor’s Corner

As you read through this edition of INSPIRATION magazine, let me remind you of something powerful:…

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Let’s Hit the Road
Let’s Hit the Road

Every so often, you just have to pile into the car and take off on a good road trip. And I don’t…

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My Field of Dreams

Some childhood memories fade in my mind these days. I try to remember details of my boyhood home,…

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Shelter in the Storm
Shelter in the Storm

Summers down South are boiling hot and can change from moment to moment. The sky turns a warm hue…

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the prospector
The Prospector

I wanted a souvenir. I discovered pure gold. I was in the North Carolina mountains several years…

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The Ultimate Superhero

Most everybody remembers that favorite toy they received at Christmas. For me, it was Stretch…

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Return to the Hiding Place: A Story of Courage and Love
Return to the Hiding Place: A Story of Courage and Love

Amid the atrocities of Nazi Germany – when Jews were killed in gas chambers and slaughtered in…

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