The Throne of God

The Throne of God

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

If God gave us a window into Heaven, what would we see? John actually had that experience. He saw a door that opened. As he entered, through the Spirit he saw “a throne” and “One sitting on the throne.”

We can tell that this image is important because the word throne is used 34 times in the book of Revelation. Emphasizing a similar point, Jesus even told the disciples that Heaven “is the throne of God” (Matthew 5:34).

Whenever we think about Heaven, we should think about that throne. This is a place from which God rules and reigns. Sitting on this throne, He watches everything that is done and determines the course of men and nations. His throne is surrounded by men, women, and angels constantly praising and worshiping Him. From His throne, He reigns sovereignly over everything in creation.

At the end of your life when you reach Heaven, you will dwell in His presence and join the throngs surrounding His throne. But you don’t have to wait. You can praise and worship Him right now. With the angels sing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God” (v. 8).

Imagine Him in His splendor, perfect in majesty, holiness, and purity, possessing absolute power and filled with timeless wisdom. He is your Judge and Guide. And remember, He is Your Heavenly Father. He loves you! He is there, sitting on His throne, watching the world, watching over you.