
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Responding to what Job said about his problems, his friend, Zophar, accused Job of uttering “a multitude” of words. That Job was a “talkative” man, “babbling” and guilty of “wordiness” (New Jerusalem Bible).

It is easy to see why he made this observation. Zophar had his own perspective on Job’s problems and didn’t really seem interested in hearing his defense. To him, Job simply was so busy talking that he would not pause to listen to Zophar’s conclusions.

He argued that Job was defending his teaching as “pure,” and claiming to be “innocent.” His hope was that God would speak to Job, and “open His lips against you, and show you the secrets of wisdom.” He argued that Job could not “discover the depths of God” or “discover the limits of the Almighty.” That they were “high as the heavens” and “deeper than Sheol,” “longer than the earth and broader than the sea.”

He urged Job to direct his heart right “and spread out your hand to Him.” To put away inquiry from his life and “not let wickedness dwell in your tents.” If he did these things, he would forget his troubles and his “life would be brighter than noonday.” He could “trust, because there is hope. He would “look around and rest securely.” There would be no escape for the wicked.

What is interesting is that what Zophar said about Job also applied to him. Later, God would point out that there was much Job needed to learn. But Zophar, too, needed to be a better listener, not so quick to jump to conclusions.

The Bible teaches that “everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger” (James 1:19). Ask God to help you be a better listener, to others, and to Him.