January 10, 2024

God Is Light

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.—1 John 1:5 NASB

John felt compelled to make sure his audience understood God’s nature. He spoke with absolute certainty. He didn’t just know about God but had a personal relationship with Him. And he was God’s messenger, telling others what “we have heard from Him.”

What had John been shown? It was a message told with awe-inspiring simplicity: “God is Light.” This simple truth reminds us that He is light, and everything associated with light: openness and hope, revelation and encouragement, clarity and blessing, certainty of direction, pure goodness, and pure holiness.

We also see, “In Him there is no darkness at all.” In Him is nothing deceptive, negative, foreboding, or harmful. Everything is good—even things we cannot understand or explain.

We remember that Jesus was sent “to those who sit in darkness” (Luke 1:79). Sadly, millions of people throughout the world still live in darkness, a darkness that overshadows every part of their lives.

But Jesus came to be the Light of the world, so no one who believes in Him “will remain in darkness” (John 12:46). Light reveals truth. It illumines even the darkest night. It penetrates even the most murky mysteries. It brings hope and salvation.

Make sure you are living in the light. Approach God with faith and confidence. Seek a more intimate relationship with Him. Commit yourself to bringing the light of the Gospel to the world.

Reflection Question: How can you be a light in the darkness this week?

Father, thank You that You are light. Use me to impact lives with this Good News. I dedicate my life to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today's Bible Reading
1 John 1

Father, thank You that You are light. Use me to impact lives with this Good News. I dedicate my life to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today's Bible Reading
1 John 1