July 14, 2024


Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. My son, beware of anything beyond these.”—Ecclesiastes 12:11–12 ESV

Left to their own devices, oxen often wander in the wrong direction. One time-honored way of keeping them on track was through a goad. These sharp-pointed sticks get their attention and help them move in the right direction.

The Bible uses the goad as a picture of the way God works in our lives. There are times when we want to go our own way or drift in the wrong direction. We sometimes draw wrong conclusions or think wrong thoughts. These are times when we might need a goad.

The Bible says that the words of the wise are like goads. They can get our attention and point us in the right direction. God often acts like a goad in our lives. He can act to spur us on and provide correction, so we look at life in new ways and correct our mistakes.

God gave us His Word because He wants us to understand His principles and experience the fullness of His blessings. He wants us to think His thoughts, be filled with His Spirit, have discernment, grow in our faith, and become more like Jesus. This can mean changing in some ways, so we are alert to deceptive ideas that can tempt and mislead us.

If you feel stretched or challenged, God may be goading you. Let Him speak to you to be sure you are on the right path.

Reflection Question: Have you felt God prodding you in a different direction lately?

Father, I surrender my life to You. Direct my steps. Point me in the right way to go. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes 12

Father, I surrender my life to You. Direct my steps. Point me in the right way to go. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes 12