Bringing Others to Jesus

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries3 Minutes

“There was no longer room…They came, bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four men. Being unable to get to Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and…they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying. And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” Mark 2:2-5 NASB

Jesus brought hope throughout the region, healing the sick and casting out demons. Continually mobbed by crowds, it was difficult for Jesus to find rest, even in solitary places. After He arrived in Capernaum, people so crowded the place where He stayed that there was no room. Some surely must have been discouraged and turned away.

But one bedridden paralytic had friends who demonstrated determination, motivated by compassion. They found a creative solution, bringing their friend to the roof, digging an opening, and letting him down through the roof.

They did not wait for permission. Having found a way to get their friend to Jesus, they did what was necessary. And Jesus was moved to respond when He saw their faith. This man was healed, and had his sins forgiven, because of the determination and compassion of these friends.

All of us know people who have needs. Some are sick. Some have emotional, mental, or financial problems. Some have broken homes and marriages. Some simply need salvation. Many are desperate for someone to care for them, friends with the faith to believe that God can meet their needs.

How easy it can be to be discouraged. To feel hopeless. To give up. But the story of this cripple reminds us of the importance of a faith that does not give up. And the power that can be released through our prayers and actions, on behalf of others.

You can apply these principles in your life. Through prayer, you can bring people to Jesus, and you can touch them through your witness. If you put your faith into action, you can help change their lives.


Prayer: Father, here are people who need Your touch: _________. I pray for breakthroughs. For healing. For total victory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.