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Linda Gilden

Linda Gilden is an award-winning writer, speaker, editor, writing coach, and personality consultant. Author of Articles, Articles, Articles!, the LINKED Quick Guides to Personalities series, and over a thousand magazine articles, Linda loves to share a great story almost as much as she loves playing with her grandchildren! Learn more at lindagilden.com

Mothering from an Empty Nest
Mothering from an Empty Nest

Society would like parents to think their job is done when the children go off to college or begin…

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Tips to Create Christmas Memories with Grandchildren
Tips to Create Christmas Memories with Grandchildren

Now that the holidays are upon us, you may be wondering what you could do to entertain the…

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Spontaneous Grandparent
Ideas for Becoming a Fun Spontaneous Grandparent

The spontaneous grandparent? Those words don’t seem like they should even be together. Shouldn’t…

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Grandnannying: So Much More Than Babysitting

When children are cared for by their grandparents on a regular basis, grandparents are more than…

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Are My Prayers Effective?

Prayer is the most effective way we have of communicating with God. He is ready to listen to our…

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Do’s and Don’ts When Your Child Is Bullied

Autumn was going down the steps one morning before school looking for her friend. She heard…

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Special Needs Children
Special Needs Children: Gifts and God’s Grace

“G’wace, G’wace. You okay. Calm down.” Two-year-old Elizabeth ran to her four-year-old sister.…

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How Grandparents Can Stay in Touch

As we continue to navigate difficult times of sheltering and social distancing, many grandparents…

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Surviving a Spouse: How You Can Help

Marjorie sat at the table staring at the kitchen door. The clock chimed five times and silence…

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Does Anything in Life Really Matter
Does Anything in Life Really Matter?

The answer to that question is directly affected by your perspective on life. If you think that you…

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