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Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey founded Ramsey Solutions in 1992 to provide “biblically based, common-sense” financial education. He is a best-selling author and sought-after speaker. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 16 million listeners each week on 600 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Learn more at daveramsey.com

Dave Says: On One Condition …

Dear Dave, How do you feel about people taking money out of savings to pay off credit cards? I have…

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Dave Says: Protect Against Inflation?

Dear Dave, All the talk on the news about inflation is a little scary. Is there any way to protect…

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Dave Says: A Degree Isn’t Power, Knowledge Is Power

Dear Dave, I’ve heard you talk about paying for college for your kids. Why is this a requirement?…

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Dave Says: How Many Years?

Dear Dave, My husband and I are debt-free. We are in our mid-20s. We also have a full emergency…

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Dave Says: The Lesser of Two Evils

Dear Dave, My husband and I are following your plan, and we’re on Baby Step 2. We just learned that…

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Dave Says: Managing a Friend’s Will

Dear Dave, Our next-door neighbor was an older single man with no family, and my wife and I always…

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Dave Says: File Bankruptcy? That’s Really Bad Advice

Dear Dave, My husband co-signed a loan for an old girlfriend four years ago. Apparently, she hasn’t…

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Dave Says: It’s Just the Right Thing to Do

Dear Dave, I’m about to start paying off debt in Baby Step 2, but there’s a motorcycle loan my…

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Dave Says: A Calling or a Job?

Dear Dave, When it comes to your career and profession, how can you tell if you’ve truly found your…

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Dave Says: Not Really an Emergency

Dear Dave, My husband and I are close to having our home paid off and being completely debt-free.…

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