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Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey founded Ramsey Solutions in 1992 to provide “biblically based, common-sense” financial education. He is a best-selling author and sought-after speaker. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 16 million listeners each week on 600 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Learn more at daveramsey.com

Dave Says: Celebrate and Give with a Plan in Place

Dear Dave,  My wife and I have always accepted the fact that we’d have a mountain of debt to pay…

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Dave Says: He Needs to Be Reminded

Dear Dave, My husband and I both work outside the home, and he has come up with an idea for our fun…

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Dave Says: Saving for Christmas

Dear Dave, I know it may be early to talk about Christmas, but do you have any advice on saving for…

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emergency fund
Dave Says: An Emergency Fund Isn’t About Instant Gratification

Dear Dave,  We’ve all our debts paid off, except for our home, and our fully funded emergency fund…

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Dave Says: Right Heart, Wrong Actions

Dear Dave, I’m beginning to feel some bitterness and resentment towards my parents for their recent…

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Dave Says: Time to Make Something Happen!

Dear Dave, My husband lost his job four months ago, and we’re close to losing our home. I’m working…

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Tired of Money Ruling Your Life?

7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom Jesus talked more about money than He spoke about Heaven and hell…

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Never Time to Borrow Money From Family
Dave Says: It May Take Time

Dear Dave, I’ve having some problems with my parents, and I’m hoping you can help. Last summer I…

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Dave Says: Remember, You’re a Team

Dear Dave, Earlier this month, my husband and I both were laid off from our jobs within a few days…

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Dave Says: My Wife Thinks She Owes Me Money

Dear Dave, My wife and I have been married for nine months, and we’ve been following your Baby…

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