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Strengthen Your Walk


Strengthen Your Walk Power of Prayer
The Power of Prayer

In this Strengthen Your WalkTM series, Pastor Terrell Murphy takes you into The Power of Prayer.…

Confront & Conquer

Ever wonder what your purpose is in this crazy world? God has chosen you to be His warrior. Join…

Boldly Walking

Ever wish you could sit down and have coffee with a friend who could offer you encouragement…

Empowered By The Holy Spirit

If you long to live victoriously, overflowing with peace and joy, join David Cerullo as he explains…

Authority in Christ
Your Authority in Christ

Do you understand your authority in Christ? When you realize what it means to be God's child, it's…

Breaking the Stronghold of Food

Let’s talk about an ugly, destructive stronghold lurking in many of our lives – maybe one you’re…

god-given dreams
Dancing on Your Dash

It is time to live your life to the fullest! In a study that draws passages from the Psalms, John,…

Your New Beginning

Everyone needs a fresh start sometime. In this series, David Cerullo shares life-changing truths to…

Take the Next Right

Are you ready for something new? Are you ready for something that is going to help us see the…

Break Through

Just about everyone needs a breakthrough in some area of their life, whether in their health,…