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Where Is Jesus?

Years ago, the youth at our church were conducting the sunrise service and recreating the Easter…

Why Is Good Friday Good?

Because of Jesus ... On Good Friday, we commemorate the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross ……

What Is the Message of Easter
What Is the Message of Easter?

Jesus lives! At the empty tomb an angel announced, “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said…”…

What Is Good Friday
What Is Good Friday?

As a young child, I was often confused. Like a lot of kids, there were many things I didn’t…

Resurrection Sunday:More Than Eggs and a Bunny
Resurrection Sunday: More Than Eggs and a Bunny?

Nobody can deny that we live in a seriously troubled world. We see increasing evidence on a daily…

Awaken Wonder

Wonder is contagious. When we’re in awe of something, we have a natural tendency to tell others…

Spend Time Focusing on Jesus

Word spread throughout Jerusalem that Jesus was coming. The crowds had heard about His wonderful…

Jesus’ Crucifixion: Who’s Got the Body
Jesus’ Crucifixion: Who’s Got the Body?

Who cares? What difference does it make if Jesus rose from the dead? It makes all the difference in…

What Is the Meaning of Easter
What Is the Meaning of Easter?

What is the meaning of Easter? Does it exist so we can delight in daffodils, bunnies, and newborn…

What Is the Resurrection
What Is the Resurrection?

When the darkness of death drapes over your life it is devastating. Loss, sharpened by violence,…