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An Imperishable Inheritance!

Have you ever wondered if there will be anything left to give to your family? Do you worry that…

Zero Based Budget
Dave Says: Zero-Based Budgeting

Dear Dave, What exactly is a zero-based budget? — Dean Dear Dean, Simply put, a zero-based budget…

Finding Determination to Fulfill Your Dreams
Finding Determination to Fulfill Your Dreams

God is the Chief of Change. He is always doing a new thing…always working in our lives. However,…

Is College the Best Choice for You?

Going to college provides plenty of benefits for some people. For high school students, it might…

Drawing the Line

Excerpt taken from Drawing the Line: How to Achieve More Peace and Less Burnout in Your Life by…

Your New Job
Your New Job!

Your first few days at a new job can be an emotional experience. You’re excited about the…