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Peace Beyond Understanding

You can have everything this world has to offer – money, fame, possessions. But without lasting…

Who Is God?

The Secret of Jesus’ Easy Yoke
The Secret of Jesus’ Easy Yoke

A friend of mine was quite late for his appointment with me. He finally arrived breathless as he…

Getting Along When Differences Get in the Way

You’ve probably noticed that every person is not the same. Each of us has a unique personality with…

‘My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less’

Believers find hope and peace in Christ. As we journey through trials and conflicts, we can seek…

Coretta Scott King’s ‘Dream’
Coretta Scott King’s ‘Dream’

The annual “Martin Luther King Jr. Day” always brings memories flooding back to me. For, you see,…

Have a Happy, Healthy New Year

But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm (Proverbs 1:33). Blessings…

I Am Loved

Take the Next Right: Pedestrian Crossing

As an author and writer, I have to tell you, I love words. And I love playing around with them and…