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Fighting for Your Marriage While Separated
Fighting for Your Marriage While Separated

Excerpt from Fighting for Your Marriage While Separated: A Practical Guide for the Brokenhearted by…

Hearts on Fire

Disappointment of False Peaks
The Disappointment of False Peaks

Disappointment in Great Accomplishment Even in our greatest accomplishments, disappointment can…

Selfless Motivation
Selfless Motivation

Ezra had been sent on a critical assignment: to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. It was a directive…

Joy in Worship
Joy in Worship

Some think worship should be solemn – a ritual, an obligation. But the Bible confirms that God has…

Your First Love
Your First Love

Many believers in Ephesus worked hard. They were diligent and vigilant about their faith and alert…

The Quest for Power

Herod the Great dominated Judea for three decades. Backed by Rome, he was able to rule in often…

Public Perceptions

For many, he was a man of peace. In 1911, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Described as the…