Power to Break Every Chain

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries5 Minutes

The early church didn’t have the technology we have. They didn’t have computers, smartphones, or the Internet. And they couldn’t get on an airplane and fly around the world to preach the Gospel.

So what was the secret of their power to turn the world upside down for Christ?

For one thing, the believers described in the book of Acts understood the incredible power they had in the name of Jesus. They recognized that everything in Heaven and on earth must ultimately bow to that name (Philippians 2:9-11).

Think of it: Every sickness … every chain … every addiction … every problem … every financial need … every relationship conflict — they ALL must bow to the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

If you’re going through a difficult situation right now, I encourage you to call on the name of Jesus. Speak His powerful name over the circumstances you are facing. And remember: when you submit your life fully to God, you can resist the devil, and he MUST flee from you (James 4:7)!

You may be feeling desperate for a miracle today, but I have good news: Jesus is LORD! There is victory in His name. You can declare His name, and every work of darkness must leave you alone. Satan’s evil forces MUST obey you. They have no choice!

Lifting Up the Name of the Lord

One of your most powerful weapons of warfare against the enemy is to worship the Lord and give Him thanks — even before you see the victory come to pass. Confident in the name of Jesus and the power of your prayers, you can let your requests be known to God “with thanksgiving” and then experience His peace that “surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:6-7).

The Bible describes a time when this principle was utilized by King Jehoshaphat to defeat the enemy armies that came against the people of Judah. The worshipers were instructed to go out in FRONT of Jehoshaphat’s army to give praise to the Lord. Even before they saw the victory come to pass, they proclaimed God’s faithfulness:

“Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.”

Do you remember what happened when they lifted up the name of the Lord? He set ambushes to defeat their enemies (2 Chronicles 20:21-23)!

What a great lesson for us. Yes, the enemies are real — but there is overwhelming victory when we magnify and praise the Lord.

Returning to Give Thanks

Just as Jehoshaphat learned to give thanks to the Lord before the victory came, another story reminds us of the importance of also giving thanks after we receive a breakthrough from God. One day 10 lepers called on Jesus to heal them: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” they shouted (Luke 17:11-19).

These men had called on the name of the Lord, and He told them to go and show themselves to the priests in order to confirm their healing. As they took steps of faith and obedience, each of these sick men were healed — but only one of them, a Samaritan, returned to say thanks.

Jesus said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” This former leper had given glory to God, and Jesus told him, “Your faith has made you well.”

Take a few minutes right now to think about all the things God has done for you. If your testimony is anything like mine, He has rescued you from sin and broken off your chains of sickness and financial lack.

So go ahead and praise Him. Lift up the name of Jesus, and thank Him for all He has done. This can be your day of victory!