How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way: What Is Prosperity?

Mike SmalleyBy Mike Smalley7 Minutes

Hi, I’m Dr. Mike Smalley. Welcome to this edition of Strengthen Your Walk™. I’m teaching you today from my book, How to Prosper in Hard Times, God’s Way. I wrote this book because I had a passion to help you succeed even in “difficult times”, “hard economic times”, and “struggling times.” How do you prosper—not just any way—How do we prosper God’s way? How do we bring in divine provision in a way that brings Him honor? How do we have a blessing for our family?

The Bible says in Proverbs that a righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children. I want you to grab a pen and get a piece of paper. I want to give you a very critical definition of what exactly is prosperity. We should know that because the Scripture says, God said, “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health.” That’s in 3 John. So, we know it’s God’s will to prosper. The Bible says that God has pleasure in the prosperity of His saints.

Watch How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way with Mike Smalley

What is a definition of prosperity? Here’s mine. Prosperity is having enough of God’s provision to complete His will for your life with enough leftover to be a liberal, generous blessing to every other need that excites your heart. To me, that’s prosperity. It’s having enough of God’s provision to do everything He’s asked you to do, to fulfill every dream that’s in your heart, everything you have the desire to do. Want to help build an orphanage? You want to help a home for unwed mothers? You want to get involved in sex trafficking rescuing? You want to be a big supporter of Christian television, which never stops preaching. It’s going 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You want to do something great for overseas missions? You want to be a blessing to your church? All of that is wonderful. But in order to have that come in, you got to see it from God’s perspective.

What is it that the Lord wants you to have? What does He define as prosperity? I believe prosperity, again, is having enough of God’s provision to complete His every instruction and will for your life with enough left over because Jesus said if we would give, what? You get good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. Jesus said anything you give up for His sake or the gospel’s, you won’t fail to get it back in this lifetime 100 fold.

Deuteronomy 1: 11 says, “Beloved, I want to make my people a thousand times more than they already are.” So we see that God’s desires for increase in provision. So, prosperity is having enough provision. We’re just going to use the money word here because that’s what that means. We’re functioning in the earth. Now, God has neither earned nor ever spent money. Think on that. God has never earned money or spent money. But it’s the economy of the earth. It’s not the economy of heaven, but it’s the economy of earth. You build Bible schools with it, you print Bibles with it, you send missionaries to build orphanages, all of that. You fund Christian television. You build a home for your family. You take your kids and grandkids on vacation through what? Financial blessing. So, prosperity is having enough of God’s provision to complete all of His instructions for your life and having enough left over that you can be a legitimate blessing to any need that excites your heart. You’ve got so much left over.

I want to pray a prayer over your life today. I’m going to ask that something a little crazy. A lot of times we read about marriages having problems, they’re fighting about money, there’s ministries that struggle over finances and what do we do? I would like to make a new prayer for you. I want to ask the Lord that one of your “biggest problems” becomes needing wisdom on what to do with all of the extra that you have. I’m just not going to pray God meets your needs. The government can meet your needs.  I’m going to ask God for good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over to flow into your life. I’m going to ask God to make one of your biggest problems, “Lord, what do we do? We now have so much increase. We’ve got so much left over. We’re doing everything you’ve asked us to do and I’ve got so much leftover now, I need wisdom to know where to sow it, who to be good to.” Let’s let that be the mindset that you have. Let’s prosper in hard times God’s way.

Father, thank You so much. I ask You Father to change the seasons of our life. Give us a mindset that understands how You define prosperity. You are a God who desires to prosper Your people. Bring us to a place where we’re having to pray to You all the time for wisdom and discernment to know what to do with all of the extra. Lord, move us from a place of praying all the time for just basic needs to be met and help us to know how to approach You for the good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over You promised us in Luke 6:38. We give you all the praise in the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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