How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way: The Storehouse Blessing

Mike SmalleyBy Mike Smalley7 Minutes

Hi, I’m Dr. Mike Smalley. Thank you for joining us for this edition of Strengthen Your Walk™. You know, there’s a very unusual passage of Scripture. It’s used in the Bible three times. Three times, and two of the three, it’s linked to something specific. What must the Holy Spirit have been trying to tell us? Well, we’re going to get right into this. I’m teaching you today from my book, How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way. God wants you to prosper and not have the heartache and the headache of lack and of the burden of wondering where you’re going to pay your bills, how you’re going to make ends meet. That’s not God’s will for us. And there’s principles in His word that show us how to rise above that level of finances where you’re just always struggling.

Watch How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way with Mike Smalley

You know, the Bible says three different times, this is strong. Watch the language here. God said, “I”, He didn’t say would send an angel. God Himself said, “I will command my blessing to go attach itself somewhere.” Think about that. God’s looking at blessing. Now, let your imagination run wild with what that might look like. When God speaks to blessing, what’s He talking to? What’s in His mind? It’s certainly not lack and poverty and bloated bellies and hunger. When God looks at what He calls blessing, and He’s talking to it and He commands it to go somewhere. What does the Bible say about it? Three times in your Bible, the phrase is used “and I will command my blessing to…” And two out of those three times, it says, He’s commanding His blessing onto your storehouse.

That’s simply a Bible word for savings account. I always thought that your savings account was just something nice to have for emergencies or a rainy day. I never understood until even recently that just as we talk about the blessing on the tithe, the covenant of the tithe, taking the first 10% of any increase you get and returning it back to God, that that puts Him in covenant with the remaining 90% and something supernatural takes place.

Malachi says He causes the windows of heaven to open, pour out a blessing on us we don’t even have room enough to receive. It says He rebukes the destroyer for our sake. And so, listen, God’s such a God of multiplication and God of blessing, but watch this. Two out of the three times the Bible says, “and I will command my blessing upon,” two of those three, He’s commanding it to go to a storehouse. The third time is the verse you’ve heard where God said how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Three commands of blessing there.

So two out of three times, God said, “if I talk to blessing, if I command blessing, like talking to a child and telling it where to go, talking to an employee and telling it what to do, I’m going to tell blessing to go attach itself to the savings account of my people.” Well listen, how can God tell blessing to attach itself to your savings account if you don’t have one? How could God command blessing onto your storehouse if you don’t have a storehouse? I thought, okay, God’s going to bless me in other ways, and out of that blessing I’ll have a savings account.

You’ve got it backwards. Something supernatural happens when you start putting money into a savings account. God sends blessing because you’ve done that. Not you get blessing because you’ve done something else. It’s a two-tiered system. I want to encourage you and challenge you today. I don’t care what your bill situation looks like. I don’t care what your finances are right now. Every single time you get paid, every single time you get a check in the mail, every single time you have increased come in, return the tithe and pay yourself. Put some percentage into a savings account.

I know we can talk about investments and we can talk about interest rates and that’s a whole another topic. Your storehouse needs to be there and it needs to be large and God will bless it. If you’ll put aside every single paycheck, something into a storehouse, into a savings account, something supernatural will take place. I dare you to try it. Watch what God will do. Two out of three times in the scripture, God said, “if I command a blessing, I’m commanding it into the savings account of my people.” It’s more powerful than probably any of us have ever tapped into. I challenge you today. Do it.

Father in Jesus’ name, thank You for my friend today watching. Thank You that they’re tuning in regularly to Strengthen Your Walk™. Shock them with how fast You can explode their finances as they set aside something for their storehouse every time they get paid. We honor Your word. We receive the blessing You’re commanding to attach it to ourselves. In Jesus’ name, amen. God bless you. This is Dr. Mike Smalley. Thanks for joining me today for Strengthen Your Walk™.

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