How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way: The Law of the Seed

Mike SmalleyBy Mike Smalley7 Minutes

Hi, this is Dr. Mike Smalley. Welcome to this edition of Strengthen Your Walk™. I’m teaching today from my book, How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way. One of the ways that you prosper is through problem-solving. Are you a problem solver? Do you know who you should be solving problems for? Everything solves a problem. My watch here solves a problem. This cup of water is solving a problem. My phone solves a problem. Everything in life solves a problem.

Your dentist solves a tooth problem, your beauty supply place solves shampoo problems, et cetera. Lawyers solve legal problems and mothers solve emotional problems and preachers solve spiritual problems. What problem are you anointed to solve? What problem are you gifted to solve? What problem do you feel motivated to solve for other people? Because something on the other side of a problem you solve is linked to your reward.

Watch How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way with Mike Smalley

A heart surgeon makes a lot of money. Not because he’s a better human than anybody else, but because he’s solving a pretty valuable problem. If somebody is going to die until they meet that surgeon, that surgeon becomes pretty valuable. So, he doesn’t get paid minimum wage to do a heart transplant. By the same token, a man who collects garbage. He’s a trash collector. Nothing wrong with that. Praise God for people that do it. But many people can pick up a trash bag. So, people that pick up trash don’t make 200,000 a year. Why? It’s a different kind of problem. Your rewards and the financial system in your life is often linked to the kind of problem you’re solving and who you’re solving it for.

Joseph in the scripture was a master problem solver. I’m teaching from my book, How to Prosper in Hard Times God’s Way which has gone around the world. And one of the things we learn from this is Joseph who was a master problem solver. Let me give you a couple of things about problem-solving.

Number one, problem-solving often decides who notices you. Joseph’s in jail, but he could solve a problem. He could interpret dreams and that got him out with an audience to the pharaoh. He didn’t hide it. He told the people in the jail with him, “Hey, I’m pretty good at interpreting dreams. If you ever get out of here and get upstairs, tell the folks up there, I’m down here and I’m pretty good at this.” Problem-solving decides who notices you.

Number two, problem-solving often decides who reaches for you. If you don’t know what problems you’re good at solving, how would anybody else know that either? If you’re confused about it, don’t feel condemned or bad. Ask the Holy Spirit, “What am I good at that I don’t want to admit or acknowledge? What am I being a little pseudo-humble about? What am I better at than average or better than other people around me? And what could I do to make that a difference in other people’s lives?”

Number three, problem-solving often decides your exit from present seasons of pain. Joseph was released from prison because of the problem he could solve. His problem-solving got him out of his present season of pain.

Number four, problem-solving often decides who sends for you in a moment of crisis. You see that, don’t you? Pharaoh sent for Joseph, “I need that problem solved.” Now, he’s in jail. Pharaoh’s not in jail, he’s the pharaoh. He’s president of the whole country. He’s got all the money he wants, all the family he wants, all the women he wants, all the stuff he wants. This guy’s in prison with just one change of clothes, no indoor toilet. He’s in prison. But even there, the pharaoh needed something inside of Joseph. God can connect you in a day to somebody worth financially a hundred times what you are, but they need what’s inside of you. And I’m not just talking about the gospel. Beyond that, what’s in you? What’s God put in you?

You read the Old Testament, there were people that were anointed and gifted at woodcraft and organization and singing at so many different talents. Don’t be one of those negative victim talkers. “I’m not good at anything. I have no skills. I have no talents.” God’s never made such a human being. Problem-solving is a major ticket to your financial success. What problem were you created to solve? Who should you be solving it for? And when are you going to get started?

Father, show us the answers to these questions. You said if we would call, you would answer. So, we embrace that today and we thank You for Your word that guides us. It’s a lamp to our feet and a light to our path in Jesus’ name. Amen. It’s Dr. Mike Smalley. Thanks for being with me today on Strengthen Your Walk™.

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