Choose Your Destiny

Choose Your Destiny: Fear or Faith

Ben CerulloBy Ben Cerullo5 Minutes

God’s plan for each of us is grand and glorious. Unfortunately, the devil has a plan too … fear and despair. Here’s how you can choose your God-given destiny by having a fearless faith. 

The Bible is a book about your destiny – the great plan God has for each of us. As you continue trusting your Heavenly Father, you can rest assured His promises are yours … and so is His unshakable hope!

“I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NASB).

Throughout the Bible, God assures us not only of His great love, but also of His desire to bless us, so we can be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2).

Why is it, then, that so few people seem to be living this life of blessing that God offers? The main reason is that there’s a battle going on – and sometimes we let our own fear lead us instead of the Holy Spirit!

Satan is intent on fighting us every inch of the way as we pursue the Lord’s destiny for our lives. Just as God has a plan for each of us, so does the devil:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10).

God’s will for you is blessing and abundance. The devil’s will is bondage and destruction. So which will it be? In many ways, the choice is yours

If you’re like many people, your life is somewhere in between. You want God’s will for your life, but Satan has hindered you from choosing full obedience and victory. The Bible declares that God has given you the tools you need to win the battle and take back what the enemy has stolen from you.

Confronting Your Giants

In order to experience the full measure of God’s blessings and victory, you must be willing to confront the giants blocking you from the blessings God desires to give you. Instead of putting your head in the sand and pretending everything is okay, you must be honest with God and with yourself. You must not let fear keep you from confronting your giants … your sins … and your strongholds.

Your giants are those things you’re struggling with today. Does the devil have a foothold in your marriage? Your children? Your finances? Your health? Your habits? Your emotions? God will help you defeat every giant – but you have to LET Him! Remember, my friend, the VICTOR Himself lives in you!

This is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory (Colossians 1:27b NLT).

Victory is sure when you remember that the Spirit of God lives within you, and you welcome Him into your battles. The Holy Spirit brings your soul from darkness into light, from a foul dungeon of fear into the open air where the breezes of freedom flow. He opens the door, and you’re free to run in the ways of God’s commands. And, as if that weren’t enough, the Spirit of God also gives you wings to mount up as the eagle, for He has set you free.

Understanding the power of the Spirit in you changes you – and brings you victory! You walk in spiritual strength every day, valuing prayer and rejoicing in fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You remain calm in times of trial and troubles. You live courageously, knowing the believer triumphs over the hour of death with a faith that does not give way.

I want to encourage you today … welcome the Spirit and see what a difference He makes in your life. Count on the Holy Spirit, and let Him be your spiritual life and power. Remember, we grieve Him exceedingly when we do not depend upon Him. Love and trust the Holy Spirit. And ask Him to let His might and power be known and felt in your heart.

His destiny is yours when you surrender everything into His hands. Be full of courage and truth, and never doubt His presence in every area of your life!