Make Daily Waves for Better Scores

Sometimes the most obvious keys to success both on and off the course remain hidden from view. Recently, I discovered a key to a competitive junior golfer’s success that is the fundamental building block for success at any age. For the teenager who is seeking to develop her potential and get the competitive edge, it is crucial. It’s the ability to produce energy at will. Let’s face it,…

The Amazing Benefits of Living from the Inside Out

I remember many years ago when I was young in the ministry and a woman came to me for counseling. She had recently accepted Christ as her Savior, and while she was talking, it became clear to me that she was living with her boyfriend. I was just waiting for her to finish talking so I could tell her that was wrong, but God stopped me. He spoke very clearly to my heart and said, “No, you’re not…

Fishing for Souls: The Thrill of the Catch!

Jonathan Scott with Strengthen Your Walk. Man, that was exciting. I’ve had like friends who’ve taken pictures and videos of them catching fish. And now, I have an understanding of what that must feel like to actually wrestle with the elements and wrestle with the animal and bring it in. It’s awesome to be able to see that catch take place in very much the same way of evangelism, as well. I’m not…

Fighting False Guilt

Excerpt taken from Think Again: Relief from the Burden of Introspection by Jared Mellinger Several years ago, I was interacting with a friend in his mid-twenties who was troubled about his lifestyle and his future. He had grown up reading the stories of missionaries from centuries past who had left everything for the gospel. He had recently heard of Christians who had sold their homes and took…

When Food Is No Longer Just Food

Do you ever wish that you could just forget about food? What started as an innocent diet has turned into a monster. You eat too little. You eat too much. You restrict. You binge. It’s getting harder to cover up what you are doing. At first you tried exercise, then vomiting, then laxatives. Maybe you tried cutting too. Who would have thought that food—or the fear of it—would become the center of…

Discover Joy in Work: Attitude Adjustment

Excerpt from Discover Joy in Work: Transforming Your Occupation into Your Vocation by Shundrawn A. Thomas Attitude Adjustment “Teachers Quit Jobs at the Highest Rate on Record.” This Wall Street Journal article recently caught my attention. The article reported public educators voluntarily leaving their jobs at the highest rate in nearly two decades. Concerns over pay, poor working…

Cameron Arnett: Mouthpiece for the Unborn

JF: What was the most challenging part of making this movie? Were there any worries or fears during production? Cameron: No fear at all because personally I’ve been involved with it for so long and I’ve been on the front lines in marches, in front of clinics, and in prayer and admonishing, male and female, as far as what should be and what God’s perspective is on it. As far as being entrenched…

Set Free!

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."—Galatians 5:1 NASB In 1906 when Oswald Smith was 16, he gave his life to Christ. This led to a lifetime of service, including founding the People’s Church in Toronto. Although he had no special musical training, God used him to write more than 1,000 hymns. He once said…

5 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

The interview just finished. You have discussed your experience, your ambitions, your talents, and what you can bring to the company. As you reach the end of the discussion, the interviewer asks the all-important question. “Do you have any questions for me?” While this may seem like a tacked-on invitation to ask some basic questions about the company, it should be treated as so much more.…

Left Behind: World at War

The "Left Behind" movie trilogy concludes with this thrilling sequel. Nicolae Carpathia, the UN President who rose to power and prominence shortly after the rapture, is now the ruler of the whole world. But he’s the one behind devastating attacks and the detonation of nuclear devices around the globe. The Tribulation Force is back and trying harder than ever to end Carpathia’s reign. Other…