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Cameron Arnett: Mouthpiece for the Unborn

JF: What was the most challenging part of making this movie? Were there any worries or fears during production?
Cameron: No fear at all because personally I’ve been involved with it for so long and I’ve been on the front lines in marches, in front of clinics, and in prayer and admonishing, male and female, as far as what should be and what God’s perspective is on it. As far as being entrenched in the movement of it, that’s always been part of my life.
So, there were no fears there, but as far as being in the court and hearing the testimonies of people and realizing that society is blind sometimes to what they’re really doing and what it’s all about. The Bible talks about how Satan takes their minds and blinds them. You can see, even though the stats are there, even though the data is there, and even though it is obviously a human life, people are blind to it and there’s an empathy and a sympathy and a need to be mindful of the lives of those people.
Not only do we pray for the families and for the children to be saved and all these kinds of things, but we also pray for the clinic workers. We pray for all involved that are on the opposite side, because those are also lives that Christ died for. They’re not our enemy. We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. God wants them to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of Him just like He wants the babies to be saved.
I think hearing those testimonies of blindness and darkness – and as an actor you’re hearing it within a scene – it’s dreadful and pitiful in that you pity the people who actually think this way and believe that it’s nothing
JF: For individuals facing this circumstance in their lives how important is it to have a strong faith in God, as well as a strong support system?
Cameron: I think what happens is that those who are going through that process and the time in which they’re making that decision is exactly the waning of their faith in God that occurs, or it is the non-state that they have in God that allows them to make these kinds of decisions. Or it’s total blindness from God himself altogether that allows them to make this decision to kill a life.
There’s a great need for faith in God, but the bottom line is that there is a need for those who have a relationship, those who believe in Jesus Christ and have that kind of lifestyle with Him to come alongside to be that support system and not to condemn people for where they may or may not be. But the reality is to know and understand that these are people that need support, that need help, that need clarity, that need love, that need hope. Hopefully it is the people of God that do have a relationship with Christ that are able to be that answer for them and either build their faith back up to see things the way that they should or for the first time gain a relationship with Christ that changes the entire situation.
Also, I think it’s the people of faith that need to be able to understand that they have to be able to be willing to walk alongside the men and the women once they make a decision to keep a baby. It’s a hard life out there right now and people need not only the support of a word, but they need a support of actual help. So the church has to be the answer and the church has to understand the need to be that answer and be willing to do that.
JF: What did you learn about yourself from your experience with The Order of the Rights and how has it, if at all, changed your perspective?
Cameron: It hasn’t really changed. It has intensified, if you would. There’s so much that we have done on the front lines of practical application, putting our hands to the plow kind of a thing. So, it’s not new to us.
When I say “us,” I mean me, my wife, our ministry, those kinds of things. But I think it has intensified because you’re going through the process as an actor, you’re going through the process of the reality of the situation that happens in other people’s lives and the decision-making process and all these things.
Receiving the responsibility of being a mouthpiece, being a spokesperson for the lives of the unborn, I think the film has intensified the willingness, but also the ability through the film to be able to speak out and to declare’ God’s perspective on it and to be an answer to it practically. I think that has grown and with the film more will be able to be done with all of us as a whole.
JF: How does this movie differ from other your projects?
Cameron: Every film has its own importance because in the last seven years, what I’ve been primarily doing has been Christian films, faith-based films. All of it is important because it’s really Christ revealing Himself. God revealing himself to mankind in different facets and different ways, giving them a relationship with him. But also a practical application because of Him.
When it comes to something like that, which is topical, dealing with abortion and those kinds of things, it has its own importance. It has its own vantage point. What God is trying to get across to His creation and to His people. So, it’s important to me or different in the sense of the topic itself, the intent of God in it itself and what he’s trying to employ us as his children to get involved in and to be an answer for.
It’s not something that’s new, but it’s something that we are always wanting to get more and more involved in because it’s God’s heart. Life is God’s heart. He’s not about death. He’s not about the demise of any person, any vision, any purpose. His intent is life and to give life. That’s what makes it important to me.
JF: What is your testimony?
Cameron: I didn’t come to know Christ although I would have said – just like this country, we talk about it being a Christian nation – but since my beginning as a child my mother raised me in the Scriptures and raised me in aspects of the Bible. It was something that was always around the table, even though my background as a Haitian – I was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti – our background was voodoo. Our background was the occult.
Even though we thought of ourselves as Christians and we dabbled in the Word and everything else, we also dabbled in all the demonic stuff. It’s kind of like America, we dabbled in Christianity, but we’re so far from it. Even though I had an upbringing of the Word it wasn’t until maybe my early twenties that it started taking root and God started to bring to my remembrance things I had learned as a child and using them.
At one point when I was in New York, God used the book of Proverbs to literally and visually scroll before my eyes in order to get me out of a bad situation. Proverbs and having read Proverbs as a child really saved my life in that moment in time.
I gave my life to Christ at several different times in my life whereas it was a process until I truly got converted, filled with the Holy Spirit, and my life changed. I was around 25 and I’ve never been the same. I’ve only jumped into Him more and more as I went along to the point of making decisions that people thought were crazy … like giving up Hollywood, giving up fame, giving up money for the cause of Christ and to be one with Him.
Yet, now to see God take that full circle and use the gifts and talents that He gave me to represent Him within Christian filmmaking and to be a voice in all these areas is mind blowing and it’s surreal. But that’s what the story has been and I look forward to everything else because I know that it’s just getting started. I look forward to everything else that He has to say and anything else that He will manifest because of what He has chosen.
JF: What’s next for you?
Cameron: Right now, we are in the throes of making films that represent Christ. We have a film that my wife and I produced and directed. We are streaming now on the Internet. It’s Mattie: The Discovery (mattietrilogy.com). It’s a trilogy about a young girl who realizes she sees things and knows things that people don’t know. She’s learning these are prophetic gifts and how to have a relationship with Christ. It’s a powerful story and we’ve done the first installment. Hopefully, we’ll be doing the second one.
I just finished doing a television series, the pilot for a show called “Angels Unaware.” It’s a magnificent script and an opportunity to do some things that I haven’t done before as an actor. I’m looking forward to that. I have a film that’s coming out this Friday in Regal theaters called Tulsa. So, we’re having the premiere this Friday here in Atlanta and I’m looking forward to great things happening with that one as well.
JF: Is there anything else you’d like to share or perhaps something you’d like to reemphasize?
Cameron: I think the biggest thing is that God is in love with His creation. He’s in love with His people. He’s calling us all back unto Himself. The very reason why He sent Jesus Christ is because He’s not angry with man, He’s in love with man. And He wants man back unto His bosom and unto His family.
It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, how ugly it’s been. I don’t care what people have condemned you, the reality is that God is in love with you and God’s not mad at you. If you will just call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, He will save you and He will clean you up without any condemnation. And He will bring you into the destiny that He sent you on the earth for. You’ll be able to experience life like never before and you’ll realize how good God is and how much He wants for you. It’s a great thing.
Find information on The Order of Rights at OrderofRightsMovie.com.
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John Farrell
John Farrell is the Digital Content Manager for inspiration.org. In addition to having written more than 1,000 articles, press releases, and other pieces of content for Inspiration Ministries, NASCAR, Lionel, and Speed Digital, he authored The Official NASCAR Trivia Book: With 1,001 Facts and Questions to Test Your Racing Knowledge in 2012. John is a graduate of Appalachian State University and lives in Concord, N.C., with his wife and two sons.
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