Free in Christ

"Put on the new self which is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created it—a renewal in which there is no distinction … but Christ is all, and in all."—Colossians 3:10–11 NASB Booker T. Washington was born in a slave hut in Franklin County, Virginia. After slaves were emancipated, his family moved to Malden, West Virginia, to escape abject poverty.…

Your Connection to Christ and Others Is the Key to Joy

Excerpt taken from Prioritizing Your Connection to Christ and Your Friends: Rooted Joy by Becky Harling Author’s Introduction to the Girlfriend Gathering Bible Studies Welcome, girlfriends! My guess is that many of you are weary. The last couple of years have been disruptive in so many ways and have left us feeling lonely, disconnected, and discouraged. But I have good news for you – rooted…

Celebrate Your Weakness

The Christian life is never dull. In fact, my advice is to expect the unexpected! That’s not because God is fickle or inconsistent – He never contradicts Himself or wavers in His commitment to His promises. But misunderstanding God and forgetting His ways is your nature – and mine. The principles of God’s Kingdom are upside down from the ways of the world. The fallen state of man perverts the…

Is There a Prayer for Protection?

It seems as if every time we turn on the TV, scroll social media, or pick up a newspaper we are confronted with frightening news. From disease to natural disaster, tragedy to evil acts, it is clear that this broken world is fraught with danger, risk, and prompts for fear. Naturally, it makes sense that we would want to turn to God and ask him to draw near. You may even wonder, “Is there a prayer…

Scion: I’m a Child of God

“So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir” (Galatians 4:7). When I first sat down to watch Scion, I didn’t really know what to expect. I had been putting off watching the movie for a couple days because I had seen the trailer and it really didn’t do anything for me. I’m happy to report that I was wrong. As the plot came to…

The Goodness of God

If you had told me at 32, how good things would be at 52, I might have questioned it a little bit. But here it is my birthday, and 52 is better than I could have imagined. In fact, as part of my birthday celebration, we are heading to Belgium to visit our daughter Christina, her husband Jason, and our wonderful grandchildren, Preston and Eva Grace. Birthdays tend to spur memories of days gone…

Dave Says: Help Her Get Back Out There

Dear Dave, Our daughter recently moved back in with us after she lost her job and her apartment. She hasn’t been able to find full-time work yet, and she had nowhere else to go. My husband and I are nearing retirement age, so we want to do the best and smartest thing to help her get back on her feet. What do you suggest? — Joan Dear Joan, First, you need to define what helping your…

A Karate Kid Devotional: The Life of the Father

Devotional #1: The Fatherless Generation Karate Kid was the brainchild of writer Robert Mark Kamen, a karate enthusiast. The movie made Ralph Macchio a star and gave us an amazing performance by comedian Pat Morita. It is a karate movie full of heart and meaning, which is why it is still considered a classic and watched by people today. Also, the movie has received more attention in recent…


"In Him you have been made complete."—Colossians 2:10 NASB What does it mean to be “complete”? The Greek word here indicates being made full; nothing more is needed. There is total fulfillment and total satisfaction. Many people spend their lives restlessly searching to be complete. They experiment and seek experiences, yet they never really know how to be fulfilled and satisfied or how to be…

Movie Review: Redemption of the Commons

If ever you need to feel better about the bad day you just had, Redemption of the Commons is the movie to watch. Victor Clay (Jeremy Marr Williams, Genesis) is a market branding consultant in L.A. He’s a good-looking guy in a nice suit who seems to have his pitch down pat. But Victor has a past. And as we soon discover, Victor lives in his van—a van that runs out of gas, leading to a series of…