Abundant Provision

"But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'"—James 4:6 Annie Johnson Flint experienced many difficulties. Her mother died when Annie was just three. Her father suffered from an incurable disease. She spent years under the care of adopted parents, but both died when she was still young. Flint suffered from arthritis, which eventually made…

Rest Assured

I meet so many people today who are overwhelmed with the cares of life. Frazzled by the hustle and bustle of their daily obligations, they find themselves completely exhausted and discouraged. If you are feeling this way today, I have good news! If you need “times of refreshing” from the cares of life, Acts 3:19 tells you exactly where that may be found: in “the presence of the Lord.” The…

Your Turning Point

When things look bad, hope says, “It’s going to be all right.” But I’ll admit, sometimes it’s hard to understand why you’re going through a storm or trial. You say to yourself, “I’ve been faithful to the Lord, so why this is happening to me?” As you read this, maybe you feel that life is passing you by. Despite experiencing success in some areas of your life, perhaps you’ve faced agonizing…

Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah delivers the unchanging word of God to an ever-changing world. Are you in need of a “Turning Point” in your life? Then David Jeremiah wants to minister to you. Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of the Turning Point’s radio and television ministries and the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California (US). His passion for…

Give It to God and Go to Bed

Excerpt from Give It to God and Go to Bed: Stress Less, Sleep Better, Dream More by Laura Harris Smith Chapter 3 The Monsters in Your Closet Remember when you were a kid and you would lie in bed in your dark room and imagine scary monsters and other entities hiding just out of sight in your closet? It not only kept you from going to sleep, but you also wondered how long it would take them to…

What Do You Need to Drop Off to Do the Right Thing?

What would you have done with a million dollars when you were 13 years old? That’s the weighty decision three teens grapple with in the humorous and hope-filled family drama, Drop Off.  This charming movie written and directed by Lyman Dayton (Where the Red Fern Grows) primarily rests on his skill and the performance of a team of elementary school actors: Lucas Van Orden (Tim), Jimmy Linares…

Finding Joy in Suffering

When you consider that one in four pregnancies are lost to miscarriage, and there are an estimated 24,000 babies delivered stillborn annually in the United States alone, you quickly realize there are a lot of grieving families. If you are among them, author Rosemary Pope wants you to know you are not alone.Rhonda Robinson sat with the first-time author as she shared her journey of multiple…

What If God Wrote Your Shopping List?: World Map Shower Curtain

Excerpt from What If God Wrote Your Shopping List?: 52 Ways to Find Freedom from “Stuff” by Jay Payleitner Chapter 8 World Map Shower Curtain Several years back, this item appeared on a Payleitner family shopping list “shower curtain for the boys’ bathroom.” We were seeking nothing fancy or extraordinary. Our four boys were past the age of teddy bears and cartoon monkeys, so the goal was to…

The Weigh-In

Excerpt from Well, Girl: An Inside-Out Journey to Wellness by Jami Amerine “Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save.” Isaiah 45:20   At this point in any wellness book, we have been told it is time to do the most dreaded of tasks: the weigh-in. Cue the theme song from…

Seeking His Presence

"How lovely is Your tabernacle … My soul longs … for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You."—Psalm 84:1–2, 4 Johannes Brahms struggled to find the right words for the music he was writing. Then in February 1865, he received news that his mother was dying. Devastated, he could not reach…