God Is a Giver

Give to everyone who asks of you...love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great...For He is kind to the unthankful and the evil (Luke 6:30, 35 NKJV). The message of Jesus' words is "Give!" Give to those who ask of you. Give money to those who can't pay you back. Give love to those who don't deserve it. Give mercy to those who wrong you. Give…

The Story of Grace

"He poured out this Spirit on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that having been justified by His grace, we may become heirs with the hope of eternal life."—Titus 3:6–7 HCSB Eric Enstrom was preparing photos to bring to a convention. It was 1918 and the ongoing impact of World War I forced many to struggle with basic necessities. Eric hoped to take a photo to remind people of…

BJ’s Teddy Bear Club

BJ's Teddy Bear Club & Bible Stories provides a wonderful way to introduce preschool children to the heroes of the Bible and their stories. The show presents some of our favorite characters in simple language and colorful animation. Viewers are also able to enjoy fun and colorful lessons about basic concepts like letters, colors, numbers, counting, and music. There are also activities in…

Higher Than Our Ways

Fifty years ago as the nationwide Jesus Movement began, Bruce surrendered his life to the Lord and never looked back. “I could just see God had His hand on my generation. Hal Lindsey’s book The Late Great Planet Earth convinced me the world as I knew it was about to end! But decades have passed, and I’m still here.” A special connection between Bruce and Inspiration Ministries began over a…

Understanding Relationships That Harm

Unconscious collusions in relationships harm people in families, friendships, church staffs, and work partnerships. It’s uncanny how we attach to people who are the polar opposite of us, not realizing that each of us are stuck in a dysfunctional dance that repeats hurtful wounds or expectations from the past. The attitude and behavior of each person reinforce that of the other. Collusion is…

Want a Great Way to Free Your Anxiety?

So how does one do it? How do you free your anxiety at a time like this? Staying inside with the TV on to a news channel or constantly looking at your phone will only build one’s anxiety. Well, what did Jesus do when stress and anxiety built up around Him? He headed to nature. Jesus and Anxiety The Gospels tell us that after Jesus learned that his cousin John the Baptist died, He wanted…

The God Who Calls

Aren’t you grateful God didn’t leave it up to you to find Him? I know God is everywhere all the time, but honestly, sometimes it’s hard for me to see Him. But He never has a problem seeing me, and He’s always reaching out to me with love – not because I deserve it, but because He is a God who seeks! Before God spoke the first word of creation, He knew humanity would reject and crucify Him. Yet…

Three Reasons You Should Finally Start That Business You’ve Been Dreaming Of

My mom is the most amazing woman on the planet. When she was 34 years old, she suddenly had a baby to raise on her own (me). With only $64, she needed a job. So, she got scrappy and decided to use her baking skills to earn money. She started out by renting a small showcase window at a candy store in downtown Nashville. She woke up at crazy hours and worked long nights. She hustled, pushed…

The Mercy of God

"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit."—Titus 3:5 NIV John Bunyan was arrested for preaching the Gospel. Today, we admire him for his novel Pilgrim’s Progress, which is an allegory based on his spiritual journey. But this might not have been possible had he not been arrested.……

No More Bad Days for Gary Miracle

Gary Miracle is a Christian advocate and motivational speaker, born in Michigan and raised in Florida. Today, when Gary isn’t at home with his family, he is on the road speaking at churches, conferences, and conventions about how he discovered the life God always had for him, in spite of personal tragedy and trauma. In December 2019, Miracle’s life was forever changed by an infection that…