
Your Praise Breaks Chains!

David CerulloBy David Cerullo8 Minutes

In the physical realm, earthquakes can be pretty frightening. It’s disconcerting to feel the ground move under your feet. But God sometimes uses earthquakes to set His people free.

If you want to break loose from a negative situation in your life, you may need to start an earthquake to break your chains off. I don’t mean an earthquake that shakes the ground and causes the natural realm to tremble, but rather a shaking of the spiritual realm—demolishing satanic strongholds that are hindering God’s blessings in your finances, health, or family.

This is the kind of earthquake Paul and Silas touched off in a Philippian jail in Acts 16:22–34 (NKJV). As they gave thanks and worshiped the Lord, “there was a great earthquake” that shook the prison and set the inmates free from their chains.

Even though Paul and Silas had been brutally beaten and mistreated, they prayed … gave thanks … and sang God’s praises. And the Lord responded with an earthquake to totally transform their circumstances!

What a fantastic picture of the overwhelming VICTORY God wants to give you and me as we worship and obey Him today. He can unleash a tidal wave of blessings to reverse every negative situation!

And don’t miss this important fact in Acts 16:25 …

Paul and Silas received their breakthrough “at midnight.”
God proved Himself faithful in their darkest hour!

Friend, this is such good news. No matter what kind of difficult situation you may be facing today, your extraordinary breakthrough may be closer than you think.

Gratitude in Advance

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God’s people using thanksgiving and praise as powerful keys to overcome the enemy. In the face of impossible circumstances, God stepped in to answer His people’s prayers and gave them victory when they gave Him praise.

And although it’s easy to thank the Lord after we’ve received the victory, these stories teach an entirely different lesson:

We must give God praise before we see the actual victory.

Just as God broke the chains of bondage in that jail in Philippi, He wants to break your chains today. As you draw near and worship Him with a thankful heart, you can be released from …

• Poverty or debt
• Sickness or depression
• Loneliness or hopelessness
• Addiction or family strife

And so much more!

Throughout my years of ministry, I’ve seen countless people SET FREE from toxic situations holding them back in their life. Some have found liberty from an enemy stronghold. Others have supernaturally received some kind of open door from the Lord—in a relationship, career, or ministry.

As Paul and Silas worshiped the Lord, “all the DOORS were opened” (v. 26).

Regardless of your situation, take a minute right now to thank the Lord. Thank Him for the victory you need … for the doors you need opened … for the answers to the prayers you’ve been praying. Most of all, thank Him for His faithfulness!

In 2 Chronicles 20, God’s people were facing an impossible situation. Three different armies were coming to destroy them, and they were greatly outnumbered. Defeat seemed certain.

Yet something incredible happened when they began to sing and praise the Lord.

In the face of an overwhelming problem, and before they saw the victory they so desperately needed, they began to thank God for the victory. As a result, God stepped in and scattered their enemies!

In the same way, God wants to bless YOU, my friend. As you enter into His presence with thanksgiving and praise, you are positioning yourself for victory. Not only will your praise lift you UP and OUT of the troubles of this world, but it will also place you in the realm of God’s Spirit … where the impossible becomes possible!

What a wonderful experience and privilege it is to step out of our earthly cares and into the incredible presence and provision of Almighty God!

Spiritual Shockwaves

Just as earthquakes and tsunamis are powerful physical occurrences, so your praise and worship can also set off potent spiritual shockwaves to transform your life. Have you ever noticed that those who maintain an attitude of gratitude tend to attract more blessings and favor while those who grumble and complain attract even more distress?

This shouldn’t be surprising since Paul wrote to the Philippian church that instead of being anxious, they should make their requests known to God “with THANKSGIVING” (Philippians 4:6 NKJV). And he told the Thessalonians: “In EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV).

You may have waited for a long time, but your breakthrough can come “suddenly” just as it did for Paul and Silas. Even when it seems like your “midnight” hour has come, God will turn around your circumstances when you give Him praise (Acts 16:25–26 NKJV)!

This story also provides good news if you are concerned about your lost loved ones. Acts 16 says Paul and Silas started an earthquake that brought salvation not only to their jailer but to “ALL his family” (v. 33). So go ahead and boldly claim this beautiful principle: God wants your entire family to experience His salvation and victory!

But remember, you don’t have to wait until you SEE the victory before you start giving God praise. Paul and Silas began to worship the Lord before their circumstances changed. Their worship came first, and THEN the breakthrough came.

My friend, when you cultivate a heart of thanksgiving, you will increasingly see the Lord intervene in your circumstances and give you victory. You may have waited for a long time, but your breakthrough can come suddenly, just as it did for Paul and Silas.

Even when it seems like you’re in your midnight hour, God will turn your circumstances around when you trust and worship Him today!

Thankful for You

This Thanksgiving season, I want you to know how grateful we are to God for YOU, our faithful partners. We’re deeply aware that none of the souls saved, bodies healed, families reunited, or financial breakthroughs experienced through Inspiration Ministries would be possible without your partnership. Just as Paul told his partners in Philippi, God will credit the amazing impact of this ministry to YOUR account in Heaven (Philippians 4:17). Thank you!

This article originally appeared in the monthly Inspiration Magazine. Find out how you can receive your free annual subscription here.