Redeem Halloween

Redeem Halloween This Year

Rhonda RobinsonBy Rhonda Robinson4 Minutes

Halloween has a special place in my heart. As it should. It’s my birthday. This fact has its upside— most people remember it. The downside, however, is it can be tragic. Like it was on my 23rd birthday. The morning after, I awoke to the horrific news that blanketed my hometown. Three little girls were abducted that Halloween night. Two sisters and a cousin. They were found that morning in an abandoned apartment. The older two, just nine and 12, did not survive. The youngest was only seven, she was found hiding in a closet of that nightmare. The brutality of that night shook me to my core. It was then that I vowed my family would not celebrate a holiday that makes children prey for evil.

Throughout the years Christians have been divided on whether or not to celebrate once pagan holidays. The Catholic Church has tried to redeem pagan festivals. Many of today’s holidays are hybrids of those festivals. Most were brought to America by immigrants in the last century. With a large splash of good ‘0l American commercialism most, including Halloween would be largely unrecognizable to the generations who brought them here.

As parents, we don’t want to deprive our children of fun holidays. As followers of Christ, Halloween doesn’t hold a traditional bond to us. In essence, it is strictly a cultural holiday, that parents who enjoy celebrating it usually just want to pass down their fond childhood memories and traditions.

The world and our culture are rapidly changing. Children are to be protected from a culture that seeks to devour them. You can go against the culture as a Christian and make your children feel as if they are missing out.

Our family has a general rule when going against the cultural tide.

Give them something better.

Why not throw a harvest party? Kick-off the season of thanksgiving and blessings.

We try to have a campfire. Mainly because I love sitting around the fire snuggling children and roasting marshmallows. But there are a couple of other things that go along with campfires like songs and storytelling.

In past years we have invited our church, just a few friends, and some years just family. But we always encourage them to bring their guitars. Worship songs around the campfire with a child on your lap with a sticky face, wrapped in a blanket, have a special pathway to my heart.

The original intent of the Celtics celebrated the harvest and the start of their new year. It was believed the veil between the living and the dead was especially thin on the night of October 31. They used bonfires and masks to ward evil spirits away.

Evil can not be driven out by masks or fires. Just as it was that horrible Halloween in 1984, evil is very much alive today. Our job as parents is to protect our children, and enrich them with faith and family. Now more than ever it’s important to guard them against evil.

Sure, you could take them to the mall to “trick or treat.” But why settle for a watered-down version of a ritual with evil roots? Especially when you can redeem the night by giving your children or maybe your neighborhood a night of fellowship with friends, family, and worship.

Here’s a mom hack. After Halloween is over, shop for some fun costumes. Children love dressing up all year long. Princess dresses and lion costumes are great Christmas presents and you can grab them off the clearance rack.