Passover: The Promised Lamb of God

David CerulloBy David Cerullo2 Minutes

In the dramatic opening to John’s Gospel, we hear the words of John the Baptist when he sees Jesus coming toward him: “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Every practicing Jew would have understood that John the Baptist was speaking of the Passover lamb from the time of the exodus from Egypt. The people of Israel were told to sacrifice a lamb and smear some of the blood around the doorposts of their houses. When the death angel came as part of the tenth plague, it would “pass over” the homes that were covered in the blood of the lamb.

The New Testament shows us that in our fallen state, mankind is in need of a Savior. That is why it is so remarkable that Jesus was crucified during the Feast of Passover. In this act, Jesus became our Passover Lamb, just as John the Baptist foretold.

As Christians, we know the blood of Jesus – the Lamb of God – not only covers, but washes away our sins.

For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us (1 Corinthians 5:7)

Just as God provided the blood of the lamb for His people on that first Passover, Jesus Christ has given His blood to cover the sins of all people for all time.

I pray that this truth will bring you great joy during this Passover, knowing that your sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb.

God bless,

David Cerullo