A Thanksgiving Message

David CerulloBy David Cerullo1 Minutes

I hope you and your loved ones are filled with gratitude to the Lord as you celebrate Thanksgiving this year.

God has been stirring my heart as never before that there’s POWER in our PRAISE to Him.

Remember the story of how Paul and Silas sang praises to the Lord when they were locked in a Philippian jail? The result was an earthquake that BROKE EVERY CHAIN, setting them and the other prisoners free (Acts 16:22-34).

As you set your heart to praise God for His blessings this Thanksgiving, I am joining you in prayer for your THANKSGIVING BREAKTHROUGH!

Just as God “suddenly” broke through the difficult circumstances Paul and Silas were facing, He can reverse your negative circumstances as well. All it takes is one touch from Him to release you from long-standing chains of fear…depression…sickness…toxic relationships…or financial lack.

I hope you’ll write to me soon, sharing how God gave you a breakthrough when you gave Him praise!

God bless you,

David Sig