Warrior in Training

Warrior in Training

Theresa RoweBy Theresa Rowe8 Minutes

Comparing life to books is not unique. “Turning the page” or “starting a new chapter” are common phrases used to describe change, or transformation, in a person’s life. While I am certain many of us would like a “rewrite or two,” it’s too late for what’s been done and the transcript is on the way to the printer. So rather than calling you out for what went wrong, I am going to call you up.

My favorite part of being a Shaped by Faith trainer is calling people up into their true identity in Christ. This “calling up” process of training is about the whole person, the package deal: heart, mind, body, and spirit. We cannot separate these parts, and we know they function best working together as a healthy team.

For instance, when a person has a need for weight loss, I encourage them to take their focus off weight. I do not even ask what they weigh, it is not important at that time. Granted, they may need to lose weight, but if a person truly wants to live a transformed healthy lifestyle, the focus and attention needs to be on partnering with God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, first. When a person takes the first step to move their body, God comes in and deposits His super to their natural.

True transformation takes place when a person is willing in their mindset and physical body to step into each day moving forward, no matter what life is throwing at them. Instead of seeing all the negatives, and the mistakes, and calling them out, we see things from God’s victorious perspective — a Warrior in Training! The victory is assured. He only leased the grave for three days; Jesus BOUGHT our future with His blood! Our names are written in the book of life.

I want to share some words of encouragement from an actual Warrior in Training, Brenda Sharp:

“Two years ago, God prompted me to ask Him to reveal those things in my life that did not bring Him honor and glory; areas where I was not living according to what He had planned for me. As I prayed, the issues of pride, discipline, and self-control kept coming up. I have always been a pretty confident person, even though I was about 120 pounds overweight. I really did not see my weight as an issue.

“I was praying, but I was expecting God to do all the work, being unwilling to make any changes. In January, I attended a Fitness Blaster class led by Theresa Rowe at the Owensboro Christian Church Rec Center and the Holy Spirit started to move in a mighty way. About this time, I also read an article on gluttony. The Lord began to show me that I was dealing with the sin of gluttony, rooted in a lack of discipline and self-control. Self-control is a characteristic of life lived under the Spirit’s control; the lack of self-control is sin.

“The Lord allowed Theresa to connect with me that day and she is now journeying with me as I pursue obedience to Christ in this area of my life, so I may glorify Him in all that I do. Paul writes, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

While Brenda is quite determined, and God is blessing her daily, there have been challenges, and negativity has reared its ugly head from time to time. When this happens, and it will happen, I remind Warriors who they are and why they are training. I encourage them to train as conquerors as if they have already reached their goals, which can include losing weight, making healthy choices, setting healthy boundaries, growing spiritually, demonstrating emotional stability, restoring families, restoring relationships, and forgiving others.

A Warrior in Training believes and lives the words of 2 Corinthians 4:8-9: “We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed.”

A Warrior will encounter circumstances that challenge them on every level. If a Warrior makes a choice they regret, they ask forgiveness, then they make a better choice the next day. They do not give up just because things did not work out like they thought they should. They continue moving forward with the mindset that they are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

Disappointments, setbacks, and failures may come, but what defines them as Warriors in Training is how they respond and act.

Henry Ford said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

A Warrior in Training keeps moving forward regardless of what happens in their workplace, at home, or in a relationship. They keep their focus on God and place their trust in Him to lead them to victory. Where you are right now may not seem victorious to you, but you must train yourself to look beyond current circumstances and move as if things have shifted and changed for the better.

Train in the victory and you will see that your circumstances are making you into God’s Warrior! God always wins! He trumps everything the enemy is trying to use to destroy you. Greater is God operating in you than the enemy operating in the world!

As the alarm sounds, and I place my feet on the floor for the first time this morning, I stretch my arms towards heaven and praise God in thankfulness for this another day. He has given me another day, another page, to live out my true identity in His book of life.

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