Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Jacob was constantly surrounded by people. He had a large family, with two wives, twelve sons, hundreds of animals, and many servants. It must have been hard to find alone time. Journeying to his homeland provided the opportunity to ponder his past, particularly to wonder if his brother, Esau, still was angry that Jacob took his birthright and stole his blessing.

When Esau approached with four hundred men, Jacob must have imagined the worst. He sent his entourage ahead in two groups. Finally, when everyone had left, he was alone, and “a man wrestled with him until daybreak.” Jacob named the place Peniel, for “I have seen God face to face” (v. 30). This was no ordinary man.

Jacob and this man wrestled for hours. The man had superior strength, even dislocating Jacob’s thigh with a touch. Yet Jacob would not give up. As dawn broke, Jacob refused to let him go “unless you bless me.” In response, the man said that Jacob now would be known as “Israel: For you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed” (v. 28).

It was no accident that this life-changing moment happened when Jacob was alone.

Remember the importance of spending time alone with God. That’s when He can speak to you and teach you. You can interact with Him and even wrestle with Him. Spend time alone with your Father today.