Trust, Delight, and Commit

Trust, Delight, and Commit

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

How do we respond to problems? Our natural tendency can be to trust in ourselves, and work things out on our own. We can feel that some problems are too small to bring before God, or that He does not want to be bothered with what can seem like trivial matters. That He only is interested in major issues and not our personal lives.

But the Bible presents a completely different perspective. First, we are reminded of our human limits, and why we need to turn to God. The fact is that we see and understand imperfectly. No matter how smart we think we are, our wisdom cannot compare with God’s. He has the right perspective on every situation. And His power is infinitely greater.

Instead of allowing problems to dominate our hearts, the Bible urges us to focus on God. To delight in Him and commit our way to Him. Instead of being anxious or worried, we need to roll each care on Him, devote ourselves to prayer, and fill our minds with His Word.

We are to trust Him in every situation. There are no conditions. We are to trust Him whether problems seem big or small. Personal problems. Financial problems. Problems with our health and relationships.

What problems do you face? What burdens do you carry? The Bible instructs you to commit every need to God. To trust Him. Delight in Him. Obey His Word. When you do these things, He promises to help you. And don’t forget to wait patiently for His answers (v. 7). While you wait, let Him fill you with peace. Know that you can rest in Him.