A Time for New Beginnings

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The Jewish year begins tonight, with Rosh Hashanah (or the “Beginning of the Year”). This inaugurates a 10-day period which ends on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). These were days that God specifically directed them to commemorate each year. Accordingly, these have been among the holiest days for Jews since God gave the command while they were in the wilderness.

While Rosh Hashanah was a day of celebration, it also was a time when they were to think about their lives, and the importance of God’s Word. They were to prepare their hearts for Yom Kippur, when they would need to have their hearts right with Him.

More than an ancient ceremony, Rosh Hashanah provides you with an opportunity for new beginnings in your life. Are you dissatisfied? Searching for more of God? Wanting more of His blessings? Are you feeling discouraged or defeated, and want victory and power?

Today, He calls you to a new level of commitment, to new depths in your relationship with Him. And He offers new degrees of blessings. This begins as you cleanse your heart from sin.

Think about God’s call on your life: Are there things that are blocking the flow of His blessings? Have you allowed sin or bad habits to have a hold in your life? Are you living for Him?

Allow God to search your heart. Confess your sins. Accept His forgiveness. Then, start celebrating. Live in His freedom and blessing, and the fullness of His Spirit. Let this be a day of new beginnings for you!