Thirsting for God

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

George Whitefield seemed to have no future. Born in England in 1714, he was the illegitimate son of an English barmaid. Yet something revolutionary happened when a minister directed him to these verses from John. When he read them, Whitefield cried out loud, “I thirst!” That thirst led to a life of ministry and service in which he preached throughout Britain and also visited America seven times.

Through his ministry, thousands of people realized that they, too, thirsted for God. In one 75-day period, Whitefield preached 175 times and traveled 800 miles.

With a voice that was described as “riveting,” he could be heard long distances away. His message was that everyone needed to be born again. He preached in meetinghouses, barns, fields, and from wagons.

After delivering his message, Whitefield would wait for the Holy Spirit to move. And the Spirit moved, time after time, bringing conviction and repentance as people cried out for God.

Whitefield was among the key figures in the “Wesleyan Revival” that swept England. His influence spread throughout society, even to political and business leaders. Lord Bolingbroke said that Whitehead was “the most extraordinary man of our times. He has the most commanding eloquence I ever heard in any person.” Benjamin Franklin described how “wonderful” it was “to see the change made by his preaching…From being thoughtless or indifferent about religion, it seemed as if the whole world were growing religious.”

And it all began because he thirsted for more.

In the same way, God is ready to flood your life with rivers of living water. Thirst for God and His Kingdom so He can use and bless you as never before.