August 14, 2024

The Way

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“I confess this to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I do serve the God of our fathers.”—Acts 24:14 NASB

Sometime in early church history, followers of Jesus collectively began to be called “the Way.” This became a simple description that summarized the Christian life. It reminds us that life is a journey. We do not arrive instantly at our destination. We travel through places and times. We go through experiences. We learn through the places we have visited, the experiences we have gone through, and the mistakes we have made.

Describing our journey as “the Way” demonstrates that there are no instant cures. No one has infinite or complete knowledge. Even a man as wise as Paul knew he was on a journey, learning step by step how to follow Jesus.

The word way reminds us that we are on a path through life. We have choices regarding the roads we travel, the things we do, the places we go, and the decisions we make. People who are Christians have chosen a common path—“the Way.” They have decided to follow Jesus, who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). We obey His Word.

“The way” reminds us that we have a destination. Many people spend their lives wandering around, moving toward unsure destinations, or pursuing the wrong destination. But our way leads somewhere specific. We are moving toward eternity with Jesus!

Today, remember that you are part of “the Way” on a journey with Jesus. Let Him direct your steps. Follow Him.

Reflection Question: Reflect on your journey so far with Jesus.

Lord Jesus, help me follow You. I commit my life to being Your servant. In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Acts 24

Lord Jesus, help me follow You. I commit my life to being Your servant. In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Acts 24