November 11, 2023

The Unknown Future

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“No one really knows what is going to happen; no one can predict the future.”—Ecclesiastes 10:14 NLT

In 1579, Sir Francis Drake and his fleet ventured up the western coast of South and North America. Only a few people knew about this top-secret voyage. It was secret, in part, to keep from antagonizing the Spanish but also because Drake thought he had discovered the Northwest Passage, the route many hoped would provide a faster way to reach China.

The results made it clear Drake had not found this passage. But Drake was not alone. Many others thought they knew its location, including Gerardus Mercator, the great Flemish mapmaker. Mercator confidently included the passage on his world maps.

These men based their conclusions in large part on speculation and assumptions, more on what they imagined than on reality. Eventually, the Northwest Passage was discovered, but only centuries later. And the discovery proved that the theories of men like Mercator and Drake were wrong.

The struggles of these explorers and mapmakers remind us of how many people approach their lives. They are convinced in their minds with attitudes based on subjective speculation. The Bible reminds us how little each of us knows, how important it is to be humble, and how we need to trust God.

Remember, your life is just a vapor. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow or even later today. But God does! Surrender your life anew to Him. Seek Him. Let Him take away your burdens and direct your path.

Reflection Question: How do you remind yourself to live for Jesus in the moment?

Father, give me Your perspective on my life. Open my eyes to understand more of Your truth. I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes 10

Father, give me Your perspective on my life. Open my eyes to understand more of Your truth. I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes 10