January 8, 2025

The Road to Restoration

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

Following the road to restoration will lead to justice.

“Though our wrongdoings testify against us, LORD, act for Your name’s sake! Our apostasies have indeed been many, we have sinned against You. […]You are in our midst, O LORD, and we are called by Your name; do not forsake us!”—Jeremiah 14:7, 9 NASB

How do we get from judged to justice? We follow the road to repentance.

The people of Judah acknowledged their sin—their “wrongdoings” and “apostasies.” These were good first steps, but God was not moved. He saw their hearts and knew they still “loved to wander” and didn’t “restrain their feet” (v. 10).

They hoped God would take care of everything, so they wouldn’t have to change or face consequences. Instead of accepting responsibility, they blamed God because they felt He was like a stranger in the land.

The Lord waited to see if they really would repent, humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, make real changes, and return to Him with their actions and attitudes. Without these changes, their prayers and fasts would have no impact. God even told Jeremiah not to pray for them because He wasn’t even listening to their cries.

Many people today think like these people. When they face trials, they call on God and then wonder why He doesn’t respond. If we experience this, we must remember that the Lord looks at the sincerity of our hearts. He waits to see whether we’re serious enough to repent and obey Him.

Remember, God is looking at your heart. Humble yourself before Him. Seek His face. Let Him root out anything that doesn’t please Him. Confess your sins and the sins of your nation. Commit yourself to seeking His Kingdom and doing His will.

Reflection Question: Compose a prayer of repentance for specific sins in your life.

Father, I humble myself and seek Your face. I confess my sins and the sins of my nation. Forgive us in Your mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 14

Father, I humble myself and seek Your face. I confess my sins and the sins of my nation. Forgive us in Your mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 14