The Prayers of One Person

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

At times, it can be easy to feel helpless. To look at problems and conclude that we can’t make a difference. But the Bible tells us that the prayers of just one person can change the world.

Consider the life of Daniel. He didn’t just pray when he had problems. No. Prayer was a regular part of his schedule. Every day, no matter how he felt and what he faced, he sought God (Daniel 6:10). And he sought to avoid sin and live in a way that was pleasing to Him.

It was to Daniel that God committed important dreams and revelations. For Daniel was a man who could be trusted. Always sensitive to His will. A man of prayer.

We know that this prayer had power because God sent the angel Gabriel to tell him that his prayers were answered.

Praying for his people, Daniel acknowledged that they had been “unfaithful,” sinned against God, and disobeyed His voice. But he knew that God was compassionate and forgiving. He interceded, praying for forgiveness and mercy.

Daniel was putting into action the words God had given His people: “[If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

This same principle is true for us today. God still answers the prayers of believers. Who will humble themselves. Who pray and seek His face. Who turn from their wicked ways. Who care enough about their country and problems in the world to invest diligent prayer.

Today, will you pray diligently? Without ceasing? Will you storm Heaven until your prayers are answered? Praying like Daniel?