The Peace of Jerusalem

The Peace of Jerusalem

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Some look at events in the Middle East with uncertainty. But the Bible reminds us that God is not worried. He has a plan, and that plan has not changed.

From a biblical perspective, we are reminded that conflicts in that region are not about oil or politics but ultimately about God. Just as when the Bible was written, He looks for men and women who trust Him and seek first His Kingdom.

The psalmist recognized that God was the focal point of his life and that the most important thing was being in fellowship with Him. What brought him joy? “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let’s go to the house of the Lord’” (v.1). He could not wait to be in God’s presence!

He was filled with joy when he stood in Jerusalem’s gates where God’s people gathered to praise and thank Him. Then the psalmist commanded, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” This prayer demonstrated a love for God. A heart in tune with His Spirit. It was so important that He promised peace and prosperity for those praying this prayer.

If you want God’s perspective on current events, read His Word. If you want His wisdom, cry out for it. If you want peace and joy, spend time in His presence in a spirit of worship and praise. And in all circumstances pray for the peace of Jerusalem.