January 21, 2025

The Future

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

Trust God because He orchestrates the future for our good and His glory.

“She did not consider her future. So she has fallen in an astonishing way; she has no comforter.”—Lamentations 1:9 NASB

God’s people made decisions based on short-term gains and momentary pleasures. Instead of committing their decisions to God and obeying His Word, they followed their own thoughts and listened to the wisdom of the world. They invested their time and energy in the wrong pursuits. Not surprisingly, everything turned out wrong.

Looking back, they remembered the past when their lives were filled with “precious things” (v. 10). In their time of trouble, “no one helped” (v. 7).

It’s easy to be like the Israelites—seeking pleasures, trusting the wrong people, pursuing the wrong goals, and failing to remember that we pay a price for wrong decisions.

What can we learn from their experience? First, the pleasures of this world are only temporary. If people who seem to be our friends don’t have good character, they are our enemies. Fun activities may turn out to be fatal if they’re outside of God’s will.

God knows the future. He offers us wisdom that can prevent problems and bring long-term gain, both now and in eternity.

Think about the lessons learned by God’s people during this time. Trust in Him and seek His Kingdom. Ask for His guidance before making any decisions. Be careful about adopting the ways of the world or following the path to quick profits and transitory pleasures. Instead, follow God and ask Him to direct your life.

Reflection Question: What has happened when you didn’t trust God in your decisions?

Father, I commit the decisions I make today to You. Guide me. Prevent me from making mistakes. I seek first Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Lamentations 1

Father, I commit the decisions I make today to You. Guide me. Prevent me from making mistakes. I seek first Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Lamentations 1