The Sure Word of God

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

As Europeans explored North America, the French laid claim to the Mississippi River Valley. No one knew exactly the dimensions of the area or what it contained. In 1762, preoccupied with its conflicts with England, France ceded the land to Spain. But in 1800, they pressured the Spanish to return control…for a considerable price.

This caused great concern throughout the new United States. Thousands of settlers had moved west, depending on access to the Mississippi. What would it mean to have France as a neighbor, particularly with Napoleon Bonaparte as its leader?

U.S. President Thomas Jefferson instructed the American ambassador in Paris to inquire about purchasing New Orleans, at the mouth of the Mississippi. To everyone’s surprise, Napoleon, needing cash and facing renewed war with Great Britain, offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory. A treaty was signed on May 2, 1803, but was antedated to this day, April 30.

This purchase doubled the size of the United States, adding nearly a million square miles at a cost of less than three cents per acre! Napoleon got cash but never realized the value of what he gave up!

How easy it can be for us to make plans based on our limited understanding. Believers need to remember that our God “has established all the ends of the earth.” His Word is sure. Not only does He know the future, He can guide us and help us do the right thing.

Call on the Lord today. Fill your life with His Word. Let Him give you wisdom and direct your steps to His abundance.