May 29, 2024

Spiritual Sickness

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Jesus was going about in all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness among the people.”—Matthew 4:23 NASB

John Armstrong experienced the highs and lows of political life. His father, born in Ireland, emigrated to America, where Armstrong was born in 1758. A young soldier in America’s revolutionary army, he eventually became a leading politician. During the War of 1812, when American forces proved unable to stop British forces, Armstrong was held responsible and resigned from his position in 1814.

During times of struggle, he reminded himself that society needs to be based on God’s Law and that He is the Judge who will call every person and nation to account for their actions.

Not denying his own mistakes, he sensed that life’s larger problems really were spiritual and that problems could not be solved through politics or war but only by returning to God and obeying His Word. He once wrote that a country’s problems could not be “healed by a better education, a few external, transient thoughts. It requires the hand of the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ, by His Holy Spirit.”

Today, our world is filled with spiritual and moral diseases. As Armstrong realized, the real solutions are spiritual—returning to God and obeying His Word.

Seek God’s solutions to your problems. He also has the solutions to our world’s problems! Jesus heals every kind of disease and sickness—emotional, physical, political, and economic. Stand boldly for God’s Word. Don’t compromise. Point people to Jesus!

Reflection Question: What do you need the Great Physician to heal this week?

Jesus, thank You for being the Great Physician. Heal our diseases, sicknesses, and moral corruption. Forgive our sins. Use me to change lives. In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Matthew 4

Jesus, thank You for being the Great Physician. Heal our diseases, sicknesses, and moral corruption. Forgive our sins. Use me to change lives. In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Matthew 4