May 30, 2023

Reaping What We Sow

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”—Galatians 6:7

A recent study examined the lives of more than a thousand college students to see what happened to them after their school experiences. Not realizing the impact of their actions, many had done as little as possible while they were in school. They took easy courses and were lax in their studies. A considerable number “spent almost three-quarters of their time sleeping or socializing.”

Many did not realize the consequences of their actions until they entered the job market. Two years after college, many were unemployed. Some had landed jobs, but they were low paying. Reflecting their lack of prospects, a quarter were living with their parents.

These students were discovering a biblical principle: We reap whatever we sow. This is true in every area of life—in school and work, our health and finances, our relationships, and even spiritual matters.

In practical terms, the Bible teaches that each of us is given unique resources, abilities, and opportunities. Some take advantage of those opportunities and invest their time and resources while others fail to invest what God has given them. They are like the students who did as little as possible. They are like the prodigal son who “wasted his possessions” and squandered his opportunities (Luke 15:13).

Remember that you will reap whatever you sow. God looks to see what you will do. What will you sow? The choice is up to you.

Reflection Question: Are you taking advantage of the opportunities God gives you to sow?

Father, help me take advantage of the opportunities You give me. I will sow into Your Kingdom. Thank You for an abundant harvest. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Galatians 6

Father, help me take advantage of the opportunities You give me. I will sow into Your Kingdom. Thank You for an abundant harvest. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Galatians 6