Ready for War

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

When Moses was told to take a census of the children of Israel, God said he was to count every male, going family by family, household by household, individual by individual, to check the “genealogical registration” of the men who were twenty years or older. But there was one qualification: These men needed to be “able to go out to war.” Later, a second census was taken, with the same qualification (Numbers 26:2).

After the census was completed and everything was prepared, Moses said it was time to go to war (Numbers 31:3). They knew exactly how many men were available, and they were ready for battle.

Here, God gave us a picture of spiritual warfare. He is looking for those who are committed to being soldiers in His army…who will not sit on the sidelines…who are ready for war…and who take their responsibilities seriously.

This also is a picture of the Body of Christ. All of us may be called to be part of the Body, but not everyone is willing to actively participate. Some never fulfill their responsibilities or follow the call of God. Some never use the gifts, talents, and resources He has given them. But God wants to know who He can count on.

Today, search your heart. Let God know if you are “ready for war”—a good soldier in His army, armed and prepared for spiritual battles. Let Him know that you are ready to fulfill His call on your life. Be faithful with the resources He’s given you. Seek His will. Fill your mind with His Word. Obey Him and be His servant.