Ready and Available

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Mary Brown felt called to serve God. Born in Canada on this day in 1856, she later moved to Connecticut, where she became a teacher. Active in church work, she was moved to write a song which expressed her willingness to serve God, no matter what He called her to do. Written in 1899, it was called, “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go, Dear Lord.”

Mary knew that serving God meant following Him, regardless of the assignment. She may not have been called to “the mountain’s height or over the stormy sea.” She may not have attracted headlines or faced “the battle’s front.” However, she knew that “my Lord will have need of me.” The key was to hear His “still, small voice” and follow Him on “paths I do not know.” She was ready: “I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Yours, I’ll go where You want me to go.” It didn’t matter the cost or inconvenience, for she was willing to go “o’er mountain, or plain, or sea.”

Mary understood what Jesus told His disciples: He was sending them to do His work. Jesus wanted His disciples to understand that they had a personal destiny, a unique calling. As He breathed on them, saying “Receive the Holy Spirit,” He was assuring them that the Spirit would equip and guide them. He would empower them, but they needed to follow His lead and go wherever He called.

Today, remember that God has a special plan just for you. He has uniquely equipped you to serve Him and accomplish great things for His Kingdom. He has given you special opportunities and a unique mission field. Make sure you are ready and available!