February 19, 2023

Prayer and Praise

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God … Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.”  Acts 16:25–26

After bringing the Gospel to Greece, Paul and Silas were imprisoned after casting a spirit out of a girl. This was a new environment for them, and they had every reason to be concerned and even afraid. But as they waited in prison, they did not complain. Instead, they prayed and sang hymns. They poured out their hearts to God in worship and praise.

While they prayed and sang, an earthquake shook “the foundations of the prison.” When the jailer learned that they had not fled after their chains fell off, he wanted to know more about their faith. He and his family were saved that night. God turned a problem into an opportunity to demonstrate His power and change the lives of many people.

You may face situations that may seem like prisons to you. You may feel trapped by a job or finances, health, family problems, or other circumstances of life. Your environment may seem hostile and foreboding. Like a prisoner, you might be tempted to complain or be afraid. You may be confused or frustrated. Instead, react like Paul and Silas.

No matter what situation you face, focus on God. Pray. Seek Him. Tell Him every detail of your needs and concerns. And spend time in praise and worship. As you seek Him with your whole heart, you can be confident He will hear you and give you the direction and answers you need.

Reflection Question: What situations are you facing that make you feel imprisoned?

Father, I commit these needs to You: _______. I seek Your direction. Thank You for Your answers. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Acts 16

Father, I commit these needs to You: _______. I seek Your direction. Thank You for Your answers. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Acts 16