Pouring Out the Holy Spirit

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Many Christians in Wales at the end of the 19th century feared that their country was lost and their people had drifted far from God.

One leader wrote that “nothing short of an outpouring of the Spirit from on high will uproot” the tares from the church “and save our land from becoming a prey to atheism and ungodliness.” Christians realized that only God could change this condition, and many began praying with increased fervor. They became burdened for the lost and longed for a move of the Holy Spirit.

Joseph Jenkins was one of the Welshmen who pleaded for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on his life. God granted new boldness and power to his ministry. In conferences, he and others asked God to send His Spirit upon them.

Soon, a mighty revival began sweeping through Wales. Thousands yearned for God, turned from sin, were saved, and filled with God’s Spirit. A visitor to one of Jenkins’ meeting commented, “I have never seen the power of the Holy Spirit so powerfully manifested among the people as at this place just now.”

Today, the world needs the same kind of revival that swept Wales in the early 20th century. On the surface, this may seem impossible. But we must remember that we serve the same God who brought radical change to Wales. That the Holy Spirit has not changed.

Right now, cry out to God. Pray for yourself, your church, your family, and your country. Pray that He would send a mighty revival. Pray that His Spirit would fall as on the Day of Pentecost.