New Beginnings

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

As mere men and women, we are trapped in time, living largely in the moment, and speculating on what might happen tomorrow or in the new year.

Often our minds cannot escape memories of the past. Our mistakes haunt us. We can be plagued by opportunities lost, people whom we’ve hurt, words we’ve said, or things we’ve done. Sometimes we re-live these painful moments, feeling we never can escape their grip.

But the Bible tells us there is hope. Why? Because we serve the God of New Beginnings. We have a wonderful opportunity to experience this afresh as we end one year and start another.

Have we made mistakes? Is there sin in our lives? Have we done, said, or thought things that displeased God or violated His Word? In our human nature, we can be overwhelmed with fear, worry, and guilt, and often we’re reluctant to admit our sins or confess them to God.

But the prophet Jeremiah reminds us of a basic truth about God: His mercies never fail. Never. In fact, the prophet Jeremiah wrote God’s mercies “are new every morning.” No matter what has happened in our lives or what we have done or said, God remains faithful. As Jeremiah writes, He is “good to those who wait for Him.”

As you prepare to enter a new year, take a few minutes to commit your plans to God. There may be problems in the world and difficult circumstances in your own life, but you needn’t be discouraged, afraid, depressed, or doubtful.

You may have sinned, but you still can be forgiven. Place your hope and trust in God. If you hope in Him, you can be of good cheer. Truly His mercies are new every morning—and every year.