November 30, 2023

Moved by the Spirit

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Know … that no prophecy of Scripture becomes a matter of someone’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”—2 Peter 1:20–21 NASB

How do we know when God is speaking to us? Some people allow their own thoughts and feelings to distort their discernment. They can even develop their own interpretations.

But the Bible says that prophecy is never “a matter of someone’s own interpretation.” Nor can it be “an act of human will.” There is only one standard: being “moved by the Holy Spirit.” It can never be influenced by our interests and desires or shaped by our personal feelings. The same principle applies to any word of God.

The Bible teaches that there is purity when He speaks. There are no questions.

God still speaks to His people. We hear Him as we study, read, and listen to the Bible. At the same time, His Spirit is with us to guide us, warn us, and teach us. We can know He is speaking if our hearts have His peace.

We must never seek our own interpretation or superimpose our own will. Rather, we must surrender our lives to Him, saturate our minds with His Word, and place all our thoughts and feelings on the altar before Him.

Are you sensitive to God’s word for you? Immerse yourself in His revealed Word. Spend time in prayer, committing every question to Him. Be careful to listen. Surrender your life to Him. Call on Him. Lay aside your personal agenda and be sensitive to His Holy Spirit.

Reflection Question: What do you feel like the Holy Spirit is saying to you today?

Father, speak to me. I yield my mind, emotions, and will to You. Help me be more sensitive to Your Spirit. Teach me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Peter 1

Father, speak to me. I yield my mind, emotions, and will to You. Help me be more sensitive to Your Spirit. Teach me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Peter 1